Auberge de Primavera

The light seasonal ingredients,
while being wrapped in the soft light of Karuizawa,
slowly fills the emotions and heals the body.
A comfortable space that feels Esprit of France.
My favorite marriage to choose from 7000 wines.
Suite that you can relax after the supper.
Let's gracefully bless the season's visit
like the Renaissance masterpiece "Primavera".

Soft sunbeams through the trees, tears of the birds,
sound of the water, winds of the four seasons

Wrapped in soft leaves through the sun, the hideouts in the grove where the sound of water and the chirping of small birds are pleasant. A terrace seat where the refreshing wind of Karuizawa blows through. In the restaurant space facing the pond surrounded by moss like the velvet of the courtyard that reflects the colors of the four seasons, while listening to the songs of the little birds in the spring, while looking at the lights of the fireflies fluttering in the summer night. Relaxingly heal the five senses of human beings, revive spiritual margin, regain honesty and humility. Time that can not be tasted in the city.

Enjoy French cuisine luxuriously
Blessed with seasonal vegetables and the earth

The rare pig "Chiyous Phantom Pig" kept at antibiotic-free without antibiotic at Okamoto pig farm, Okamoto pig farm, Nogano prefecture vegetable herbs pickled at the foot of Mt. Asemasa, Okinawa vegetable herbs at home farms, seafood is Toyama , Sado Inaba Port, Boso Katsuura. In winter, Jibiya dishes such as deer and wild boar to buy from the local hunter are unique in Karuizawa French. You can enjoy the authentic ingredients backed by the reliable cooking skills of Yasuyuki Ozuma Yasuyuki's owner chefs who trained at the legendary famous shops "Daikanyama Renga" and "Ginza Lecan" with their orthodox French filled with taste.

  • MENU
  • 姉妹店Pyrenees

The usual trip changes to a special day Gourmet Auberge

"To go out to the restaurant of your choice to enjoy the dish using the ingredients of that place on that land, staying in a room attached to the restaurant after eating" A gastronomic French-like facility representative of a gourmet trip It's Auberge. Dining is a casual atmosphere where Esprit was effective like wallpaper and gobelin chosen in Paris among elegant. During the 22nd year since opening in 1996, Auberge de Primavera, which includes local villa tribe, many gourmets including various celebrities, etc. repeat. A place where you can relax and enjoy the finest nature and gastronomy with travel companions and loved ones.

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  • * @yuriexx67 とリフレッシュトリップ! 軽井沢に来ました🍦🍇🌿 とってもお天気に恵まれ気候も良くて最高なのだ🤭🍇 ステイ先は、私の同級生が働いている @auberge_de_primavera 🥂💕 先々週連絡を貰って、 "軽井沢行きたいよね"とちょうどゆりえもんと話してたのを思い出して二人で来てみたの☺️🍊 カリフォルニアのお疲れ様会を兼ねて💕 着いてすぐ、シャンパンで乾杯🥂 空気が澄んでいて、本当に気持ち良い🌿 お部屋も空間も全て素敵なのだけど、お食事が… 最高に美味しかった😫🥂💕 どれも絶品だし、見た目も華やか🤤🇫🇷 東京から2.3時間でこんな贅沢な時間を過ごせる場所があるなんて🤭💭 本当に、本当にオススメ!! 私は仕事をたくさん頑張って、旅やこういう体験に たくさん投資したいなぁと思う🥂💞 ビジーも絶対に連れて来てあげたいな❣️ ゆりえもんはもう隣でスヤスヤ🤭🌿 運転ありがとう🚗💕 そして同級生が頑張っている姿を見る事ができて、 とても嬉しい🤭🍇 良い時期に来れて良かった🤤🍦 近いし、気持ち良いし、静かだし💕 軽井沢最高🤭💕 軽井沢に合う!と思って着てきたワンピースは @vicente__official 🍇 可愛いすぎて2色買い!! 📍軽井沢 pc: @yuriexx67 #軽井沢 #primavera #aubergedeprimavera #プリマヴェーラ #howtovacationlikesakiiiya

    SAKIEさん(@sakiiiya)がシェアした投稿 -

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    . . . パパとお兄ちゃんがゴルフしてる間に女2人はフレンチへ。 . ずーっと行ってみたかったとこにママが連れて行ってくれました . . 自家農園で採れたてのお野菜などを使った彩鮮やかなお料理たちをテラスで。軽井沢ならではのフレンチ。 . 料理はもちろん、ワインとのペアリングも素晴らしかったし、 写真撮り忘れたけどお宝チーズに合うポートワインも最高だった... . 全部載せきれなかったけど、一品一品こだわりを感じました。 ごちそうさまでしたっ . . #AubergedePrimavera #French #Cuisine #Vino #PortWine #Cheese #軽井沢 #20180812

    -- Kaho Masuda --.*・゚さん(@_._._kaho_._._)がシェアした投稿 -

  • 1287-11 Karuizawa,
    Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture 389-0102